Getting Ready for Your Clinic Appointment

Before you go…

Find the correct office location.

What time should you arrive?

Please arrive 15 minutes before your first appointment so that you can fill out our office forms.

What should I bring with me?

The more information you bring to your appointment the better it will help us give you a diagnosis, prognosis and the best recommendations available to you.

  • Bring your insurance card and primary care referral, if necessary.
  • Personally bring actual CD copies of x-rays, MRIs, other relevant imaging and typed reports to the office. Do not depend on the facility or office to mail them or fax them. Please make sure that the CDs are returned to you and do not leave without them.
  • A list as well as the actual medications and herbal supplements. Let us know if and when you have taken narcotics like Norco, Tylenol #3, hydrocodone, oxycodone, or medications like Ultram/Tramadol.
  • Your medical records if you have had previous treatment including therapy, surgical and operative reports.
  • A list of allergies and any reactions you have to medications.
  • Any questions or concerns you have about your current condition.